Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment, Caplan Communications lead a national campaign in the 13 vying states, advocating constitutional equality for women. The amendment, which was first proposed in 1972, would guarantee legal protections against gender discrimination and further empower Congress to enact legislation, advancing equality. On January 27, 2020, the ERA met the final legal requirement for ratification under Article V when Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the amendment.
The U.S. Constitution doesn’t explicitly offer women discrimination protections. That stands in contrast with other constitutions from around the world, which set a legal standard for gender equality. But that could change with an amendment women’s rights advocates and lawmakers have been seeking to ratify for decades: the Equal Rights Amendment.
On Memorial Day it is essential for Americans to remember the profound sacrifices women have made in service to our country and why equality under the Constitution for women servicemembers must be compulsory.
This Earth Day, we praise women who have championed the forgotten and voiceless among us by safeguarding ecosystems and animals and their habitats.
Tax season feels ostensibly like a chore. But for many working Americans, April is a reminder of the often invisible and blatant discrimination that exists in the U.S. labor force.
What difference would the ERA make? Its ratification will reduce the power of the government to discriminate on the basis of sex.
Americans demand action, not words — and action is required now. Virginia needs to step boldly in the direction of equality for all women and men.